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epanek t1_jegciew wrote

I saw my PCP for anxiety during presentations. I was set to give a full day presentation to about 100 people I didn’t know. I was doing it only because our vp of marketing liked my look and presentation ability. Needless to say my two year hiatus from the subject did not help.

My dr gave me klonopin. Only take if anxious. Lol. Well those things worked too well. 6 months later I was eating them like candy. Serious problems and memory impairment. I remember visiting a customer in a complicated office park with my boss. I literally could not remember each morning how to get there. It was bad. I knew I had a problem.

The detox is deadly like alcohol.


shockencock t1_jegefyy wrote

Funny they didn’t give you propranolol for stage fright. Not a benzo either


epanek t1_jegi9jc wrote

I take propranolol now. No physical anxiety and mental sharpness


metamongoose t1_jegv15t wrote

I read PCP as the dissociative drug not a doctor, really throws your comment for a loop!