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luciensadi t1_jegr6ao wrote

> You know that feeling when you randomly forget how to swallow

Is this a normal thing? I don't think I've ever experienced it :o


INtoCT2015 t1_jegs5br wrote

Take a deep breath, hold it in, and try to swallow five times in a row before exhaling. If you can, just up the number to like 6 or 7. You can experience it right now if you want


reverendsteveii t1_jegv66m wrote

Once. I was able to swallow exactly once. I tried a second time and my body simply rebuked me. What a weird little thing.


Attempt101 t1_jeh4jty wrote

I almost hit 7…tapped out when I could barely do 6…


WarthogWarlord t1_jegu4op wrote

What?! I managed to swallow only four times, and after that it became completely impossible! Why? How?


Geodude532 t1_jegxhs5 wrote

Another fun one is to stick your face into the blast of the shower and breath through your mouth. Your body will fight you on that one too.


seeking_hope t1_jeh1d80 wrote

That reminds me of learning to scuba dive. That first breath on a respirator was like everything in me screaming not to do it. Our body has some pretty strong instinctive responses.


live4thagame t1_jeh2my2 wrote

Oh my gosh, not the same but similar, went snorkeling for the first time last year and It was SO hard to make myself breathe while my head was underwater


scnottaken t1_jegwjit wrote

Unfortunately I'm very well practiced in this mechanism. It's how I get rid of hiccups lol


rich1051414 t1_jegtik3 wrote

I do sometimes when I have to swallow a pill. My brain forgets how to swallow long enough for the pill to melt in my mouth and ruin the next hour of my life.


dman2316 t1_jegrfca wrote

Alright, maybe an example that you should know what it feels like, you know when your foot/hand/arm is dead asleep and you try to move it but no matter how much effort you put into it you just can't get it to move until it's not asleep anymore? Like that.