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KaziArmada t1_j9ma53c wrote

While that's fair, a lot of the time isn't active cooking, as in you fiddling with and adding things and all the like. It's at best baby sitting to check it every once and a while, make sure it doesn't burn your kitchen down, maybe add water if its boiling too hot, etc.

Time taken vs actual time spent working is super low.


DogsRule_TheUniverse t1_j9mcf89 wrote

yeah sure, watching it boil is the easy part, but buying hard to find ingredients isn't exactly "joyous" -- it is very TIME CONSUMING. Then there's time involved with chopping up all the ingredients and finding the right kind of bone to make broth isn't my idea of fun. Overall, it's probably best suited for people who live in a rural area or town with little to no ramen restaurant choices.

EDIT: grammar.
