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BigbooTho t1_je5944i wrote

So you would say the butcher did something… different…. Between cutting American and British bacon? Yes? So we can say it was butchered differently? So we can all agree you just could not possibly wait to spew your pick me knowledge of the day all over everyone around you while tossing in your ahktually on the person above you? Good, good. I’m glad we all agree.


HasturDragon t1_je5bmqm wrote

No. Actually I wouldn’t.

The butcher cut the loin and the belly out of the pig as he always does. He didn’t butcher it any differently. Both cuts always come out of the pig regardless of whether they’re turned to bacon.

The decision of which cut to cure and smoke has little to do with how it was cut up in the first place, especially if the person doing the cutting isn’t necessarily doing the curing and smoking.

By the way, you’re on the internet. So either get used to people providing facts and corrections, or quit trying to high road us all with your “better than thou” attitude as if replying to my comment makes you any less of a “one upper”


BigbooTho t1_je67wn9 wrote

Girl please butchering is the process of cutting up the animal. If the butcher is cutting up the animal differently then they’re butchering it differently.


HasturDragon t1_je6d9uj wrote

Now I know you’re just a troll.


BigbooTho t1_je6iptu wrote

How is that trolling I’m pointing out how pedantic you’re being


HasturDragon t1_je6jeex wrote

You’re repeating an argument that for the sake of arguing. At least three different people have explained to you why you’re wrong. So you’re either trolling, or you’re willfully ignorant.


BigbooTho t1_je6o3xl wrote

It’s not for the sake of arguing. You literally made a comment that just haaaad to correct someone that didn’t say something wrong. You could’ve said “yeah! And…” but instead you had to say “so you’ve got it all wrong also…” That does not sit well with me. I get it. You know something from a twenty minute YouTube video you watched sometime. You need to share how smart you are. Fine. I take issue when you have to correct someone needlessly to get there.


HasturDragon t1_je6p4bv wrote

Whatever is going on in your day that’s needlessly making you so angry at someone (me) on Reddit for correcting someone else (original commenter) about something that was factually incorrect, I hope it gets better.

As for me. I feel no need to apologize. You seem to be needlessly overreacting to a comment on the internet that was not made maliciously but simply to educate someone else.

If you take issue, that’s on you, but the votes have spoken and you’re the one that looks like the troll for constantly saying “no but” to me, even though I and others have made it clear you’re wrong.


BigbooTho t1_je6q7o0 wrote

Yeah I’m going to let a hoard of Reddit monsters that probably read 5% of this exchange and thought about less than that play morality judge for me. To make stringy bacon and british bacon, something you pretty much have to buy from a butcher to have both options as a choice in the respective countries of interest, the butcher has to prepare different pieces of meat during the butchering process. They butcher it differently. They’re the butcher. I literally had a whole ass conversation with a local butcher about this as I was trying to acquire British bacon for a lotr full English breakfast party. If you ever needed to wonder why mob mentality is scary look no further than this absurd exchange.


HasturDragon t1_je6qke7 wrote

You’re on the internet, if you wanna bitch about mob mentality you might want to find a better hill to die on.

Clearly you’re having a bad day so I’m just gonna repeat what I said before.

I hope it gets better.



d0uble0h t1_je6c74n wrote

Except they didn't butcher it differently. What they decided to do with the cut AFTER butchery is what's different.


BigbooTho t1_je6iu8k wrote

Llllmmmmaaaoooooooooooooooooo can’t wait to go tell a butcher that as soon as they strip the meat off the bone their job ends


NakedScrub t1_je6odsc wrote

What are you not understanding about this?? It's fuckin wild man. Pig gets cut up. Same way. Some places prefer different cuts for different things. You're so confidently wrong.


BigbooTho t1_je6p3yn wrote

If you’re talking about getting this meat from a butcher then the butcher is the one that sees through to the ultimate processing and preparing for sale. They’re butchering the fucking pig differently.


NakedScrub t1_je7h89w wrote

When was the last time you worked as a butcher, and where?


BigbooTho t1_je82njd wrote

I’m basing this entire argument off of my conversation with a local butcher when I was trying to acquire British bacon for a full English breakfast lord of the rings party. And common sense. How about you?


tyrukuro t1_je5dq75 wrote

Absolutely no one agrees. At no point was this person spewing any thing but helpful information. Someone stated something they had no idea about and this person provided information to not only correct them, but to assist in getting some of the different cut of meat they were misinformed about.

It is butchered identically, just different parts of meat. Wrap your head around that one while you take the rest of the day to figure out why you took this so personally.


BigbooTho t1_je683r6 wrote

Lolololololol so it’s butchered identically but also not identically? Nice I’m glad to know Reddit still has a hard on for pedanticism


JelloDarkness t1_je6bsip wrote

If one side of the pizza has pepperoni on it and the other side is plain, and it's still cut into 8 pieces, would you say the pizza was cut differently because someone choose plain vs pepperoni? You wouldn't, unless you were wrong (and perhaps also have a poor grasp of how things work).

Trying to mask your foolishness for pedantic behavior of others says a lot more about you than you might think. Take the L, ideally while learning something from this, and move on.


BigbooTho t1_je6osv8 wrote

I sure as shit would say the pizza was prepared differently. Butchery is the processing of a carcass as well as what a butcher does. The butcher cuts up the meat differently to prepare stringy bacon vs back bacon because the butcher is often the one preparing the meat for display and sale. Idk what you want this isn’t some crazy hill to die on. Reddit sees downvotes and goes bananas.


randombull9 t1_je6c71k wrote

It's literally butchered identically. I'm not sure how anyone could phrase "All butchers will remove the back loin and the belly the same way" in a way that is more understandable to you, but god damn it I can try.

The process of butchering the pig is literally exactly the same. If I buy a ribeye and you buy a flank steak, both of which came from the same cow, that one cow could not have been butchered in two different ways. If I roast a chicken, and you have some thigh while I have the breast, the chicken was not prepared differently between those two cuts, it's still a roast chicken. Back bacon and belly bacon are two different parts of the same pig. The butcher does not cut the back loin to make back bacon, and then throw the rest of the pig away. He goes through a literally identical process when breaking down the carcass, with two parts of meat then going through a literally identical process to cure them. Butchery is the process of breaking down the carcass, the fact that you get different qualities of meat from different parts of the carcass don't make for a different process.


BigbooTho t1_je6j59o wrote

So a butcher, doing butchery, stops doing butchery the second the animal has no more useable meat? Interesting interesting. Do they have to hand the meat over to the meat cutter after that so they can do the meat cutting to get the different cuts, I guess? Because a butcher doing butchery definitely wouldn’t be the one to do that. That’s not butchery as we’ve established.


randombull9 t1_je6lnlx wrote

>So a butcher, doing butchery, stops doing butchery the second the animal has no more useable meat?

The moment it's processed, yes, the butchering is completed.

>Do they have to hand the meat over to the meat cutter after that so they can do the meat cutting to get the different cuts, I guess?

No, you see because that is a synonymy of butchery. The process is still incomplete if the meat isn't cut. Cutting meat is butchering it. So the process is only finished once all the meat has been cut. The one, singular, only process happening is finished once the processing of the carcass is done. There can't be two processes happening, unless perhaps there are two butchers fighting to process the same meat. One butcher butchers a carcass, and all the butchering of that carcass is one instance of butchery, in much the same way 9 innings are not 9 consecutive instances of different games of baseball.

>Because a butcher doing butchery definitely wouldn’t be the one to do that. That’s not butchery as we’ve established.

Nobody said this but you. I'd almost think you don't know what butchering even is, except we couldn't have made it this far if that were the case.


BigbooTho t1_je6npfh wrote

The loops you’re having to go through to pretend that cutting stringy bacon and cutting British bacon from a pig carcass is not butchering is insanity.


NakedScrub t1_je6olie wrote

It's like arguing with a brick wall at a certain point.


BigbooTho t1_je6ox1t wrote

That is indeed what it feels like. 60 bricks not really moving and not really saying anything back to me. Oh well, I’m on break.


tyrukuro t1_je7cr9p wrote

Listen buddy, you’re basing every argument you’re having with people on a comment made by someone that didn’t communicate what they were talking about properly. They implied that pigs in North America and in the UK are butchered so differently that the cut isn’t found locally for them, when it maybe just isn’t popular. And you fuckin ran with it. Again, the parts of the animal are butchered the exact same way. What you’re thinking of is processing the butchered parts, I could make ground pork with any part of the pig but I have to get it from the carcass first right?


dogbot420 t1_je8lykl wrote

you realise the slices of bacon aren't cut during the butchering process right? Like its a whole slab that gets cured, and then sliced afterwards.