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CostAquahomeBarreler t1_j2bibk5 wrote

"Arancini's cost a dollar..."


Bloodfart2112 OP t1_j2byoi9 wrote

Hahaha definitely what inspired me to make them. What a good season


peazey t1_j2cedo1 wrote




ocean sounds


Honeycriss t1_j2crina wrote

You got this.


Dooontcareee t1_j2da92k wrote

How does she think she can make that? Shoulda just got in the water and hopped into the other one. I get it though, still was pissed lol.


FellowConspirator t1_j2atbpz wrote

One of my eldest’s favorite foods. They’re quite a bit of effort to make from scratch, though. Do you just make them with left over risotto?


Bloodfart2112 OP t1_j2auxta wrote

Indeed!! I made extra risotto last night so I could make these today.


queen_of_potato t1_j2b70vw wrote

I love to cook for people whatever they want on their birthday, and used to live with a couple of Italian guys.. one requested arancini, which I had never made before.. I made them to everyones (apparent) liking but they definitely didn't look as wonderful as these!


RearEchelon t1_j2bgw6c wrote

>left over risotto?

That's always the problem in my house: I never have leftovers when I make risotto!


poopmonster_coming t1_j2ajvof wrote

Is a giant fried cheese ball ? 😍


Bloodfart2112 OP t1_j2ak5x0 wrote

It’s actually mostly creamy rice (risotto) with a ball of mozzarella in the middle!


borski88 t1_j2am92c wrote

This reminds me of a place that had something called dirty balls or something like that.

Was Cajun Sausage meatball, covered in Cajun risotto style dirty rice and cheese. Then deep fried.


UnicornPucker t1_j2apu3n wrote



borski88 t1_j2at9l6 wrote

I just looked it up, it was from a place called Bayou Jack's in Roanoke, TX

Called Dirty Balls: Dirty Rice, Andoulle sausage, fried. With Jalapeno and Creole sauces


HogarthTheMerciless t1_j2bwzde wrote

Yeah those are Boudin Balls. Made of the same filling as boudin sausage rolled in batter and fried.

>Cajun boudin blanc, made from a pork and rice mixture (much like dirty rice) in pork casings. Often includes pork liver and heart. Generally simmered or braised, although it may also be grilled.

>Boudin ball: A Cajun variation on boudin blanc. Instead of the filling being stuffed into pork casings, it is rolled into a ball, battered, and deep-fried.[


jxrst9 t1_j2bcv6v wrote

I need to make this. I always want to do this with leftover risotto, but end up just eating the leftovers.


Bloodfart2112 OP t1_j2beg6b wrote

This is the real struggle. I’ve done the same many times so this time I did a double batch of risotto just for these!


bb_potatoes t1_j2c0a4m wrote

I grew up on rice balls. We make them with ground pork, ground beef, peas, and mushrooms. (My grandma is Sicilian) I went vegetarian two years ago and this is my third holiday season without meat and my mom made them this year with just cheese and I cried. Lol


AllTheThrowingBagels t1_j2bg1z3 wrote

If you want to make an extra crunchy outer coating, use 4C Gluten Free Bread crumbs. They are essentially pecorino Romano cheese so you are deep frying it in seasoned powdered cheese.

The last time I tried to cook them at an event, I almost caused a riot because I underestimated the demand and didn't make nearly enough.


b1tchf1t t1_j2bsejd wrote

They're, like, a dollar.


Duke6_2 t1_j2atwie wrote

Probably someone will be angry that you called it "Arancini" and not "Arancine" lol . Jokes aside they looks very good, congrats!


PorcoDiglett t1_j2bq826 wrote

Those are good looking arancine BUT that recipe you shared isn't very traditional (no saffron on rice, no batter and sauce on plate?).
Try this one next time, it comes from the most popular home-cooking website in Italy.
It has hundreds of traditional italian recipes and it's absolutely trustworthy.
Arancini - Italian recipes by GialloZafferano


iced1777 t1_j2deg3n wrote

Thanks for the link, looks like a great resource. I've seen a lot of Americanized recipes (which come pretty close!) use saffron, but I've never seen the batter before. Almost any fried breading in Italian-American cooking will use egg as the "glue". Anyone know if a batter made from flour would make a big difference in the end result compared to egg?


PorcoDiglett t1_j2dnans wrote

I'm sicilian myself (living in Mazara del Vallo and studying in Palermo) and I make arancine with my mom quite often. I can assure you that the batter is the traditional way.
As of the difference between batter and egg, I can't really tell because we always use batter. Probably it lacks of that eggy flavour, which is good since you don't want that.

I wanted to point out a thing of GialloZafferano's recipe. They use caciocavallo cheese both for rice and ragù filling. It's a very specific cheese from south Italy and it could be hard to find outside. You can switch that with regular parmesan-like cheese for rice and mozzarella for fillings.
Also there are just two different fillings in that recipe, but you can use whatever ingredient you like. Popular ones are: speck and fontina/provola, spinach bacon and mozzarella, eggplants tomato sauce and pecorino, salmon and besciamella.
You can even go more gourmet if you like with fancy combinations.


Hoju22 t1_j2au0n0 wrote

That looks fantastic! These are on my list for 2023, and it looks like I will try out the recipe you included. I hope they turn out close to these!


heights0032 t1_j2bb4te wrote

Makes me miss the Arancini Bros in nyc. Used to always grab a few on the way home after a night out


AwhMan t1_j2ant5v wrote

Oh god this looks so so good. Haven't had good arancini in years.


softrotten t1_j2awbx4 wrote

you plated them so nicely!


queen_of_potato t1_j2b6qtx wrote

Stunning! Such sweet perfection, I can only imagine the deliciousness


TechAJ t1_j2bmikl wrote

They look delicious. Great presentation!


xopher_425 t1_j2by4i7 wrote

How funny, just saw a new restaurant named "Sicilian street food", I was telling my friend about these very items, and then I see your post. Had them in Rome, and how can one not love them?? I'll be trying them soon, and some vegetarian versions for that friend. Thank you.


therealsix t1_j2c3440 wrote

Ohhhhhh, I love Arancini. They look delicious!


blargmehargg t1_j2c73s8 wrote

Mmm its been ages since I’ve had this! I’m going to make some tomorrow, thanks for the post OP!


tbodillia t1_j2c9ch9 wrote

I can't remember the last time I had arancini! Nonna never served them like that though. Uncle once said nonna & nonno would make extra arancini when they went to Lago di Garda and sell them...and now I'm crying.


HoneyNutQ t1_j2cfr2g wrote

They look beautifully delicious


teachmethegame t1_j2ckekk wrote

I wish it didn’t take so much to fill my hunger I’m gonna need about 15


TheLadyEve t1_j2dz22t wrote

I love the plating here, because one of my favorite ways to eat arancini is to dip them in pomodoro/marinara.


Bloodfart2112 OP t1_j2ai9fq wrote

Here’s a picture of one cut in half.

I used this recipe and they came out awesome!


deeperest t1_j2b15ot wrote

They look fantastic, but I've been scrolling for days and have yet to see a hint of a recipe on that page. Sheesh.


br0b1wan t1_j2b8ncr wrote

"Let me write a *War & Peace-*length novel about how I was inspired to create this recipe beginning with the prologue when I was five years old, and then provide the recipe"


Bloodfart2112 OP t1_j2b9xo6 wrote

“In the beginning… there were rice balls.”


HoSang66er t1_j2bkfq9 wrote

Amen. This Sicilian guy has eaten my weight in arancini.. All kinds, meat and pea sauce, Al burro with ham and cheese, butternut squash, mushroom (the last two I've only ever made myself).


Honey-Ra t1_j2ch6w8 wrote

Oh dear....Rabbit hole here we come. Care to share arancini shrooms recipe?


hexxcellent t1_j2bdhud wrote

there was a tweet that once said: "they should hide government secrets in the stories for online recipes. no one would ever find them." i think about it at LOT lmao


cosignal t1_j2coe7y wrote

when i was 22, my father, stumbling drunk and suicidal, fell and hit his head. he died instantly. that’s when i realized, in the midst of my grief, how much I love beef stew. for this recipe, you’ll need a slow cooker,


OmegaPtype t1_j2cu8y1 wrote

Awfully morbid, but I laughed just the same…?


AdChemical1663 t1_j2cicmz wrote

“Jump to Recipe”


“Continue to content”

What the fuck?


jakethediesel89 t1_j2deesh wrote

My favorite two buttons on a recipe webpage: "Jump to recipe" & "Print recipe."

Takes alllllll the bullpie out if the way..


kathatter75 t1_j2cd5pa wrote

At the top of the page, there’s a “Jump to Recipe” link :)


lizalove91 t1_j2dsup1 wrote

There’s a button right at the top of the page that says “jump to recipe”


GrillDealing t1_j2exers wrote

Scroll back to the the top, there is a jump to recipe link.


deeperest t1_j2fenpl wrote

But I finally made it to the bottom - now I have to go all the way back?!?!


Bloodfart2112 OP t1_j2b2039 wrote

Yeeeah I really hate this format. The jump to recipe button is nice but yeah… so much filler


adingo8urbaby t1_j2bg23l wrote

That was a very kind way to say “use the jump to recipe button”. You rock.


Travis-Trower t1_j2ebbpb wrote

All that you have to do is put in the word Arancini in your search engine which mine is Safari and you have plenty of recipes to choose from and if you are like me you make it your very own by taking what you want in it and fix it your way!!! I never follow recipes and I am a great cook


IamSarasctic t1_j2blkl0 wrote

What’s up with all these website telling us the whole history of the dish before giving out the recipe.


newuser92 t1_j2cdew9 wrote

  1. SEO, Ted
  2. All that story doesn't make it copyrighteable. The list of ingredients and simple instructions are never copyrighted.

For example: << 1 lemon ½ tsp salt

  1. put the salt in the lemon >>

This can never be copyrighted. But <<A golden citrus with sourness and sweetness evoking summer, plus a pinch of sea salt, hefty as if a grandma salting a sauce, the latter atop the former.>> is copyrighteable (copyrighteable materiales gain copyright by default). Still, even though I could challenge any usage of an exact copy of that paragraph, if you transcribed it unto simple instructions, the that would be totally fair.

So, tl;dr, if someone writes like this because they think it makes the ingredient and steps portion copyrighted, they are wrong.


ProceedOrRun t1_j2cb493 wrote

Right, well that explains why Google preferences rambling bullshit recipes.


Satansrainbowkitty t1_j2cyafe wrote

1 pound bag of garlic bulbs. Each clove to be hand peeled and gingerly adored by the chef. Now here's a reminder of my grandma and ...she's still haunting me to make sure her recipe gets passed along confidentially....

I have been a lurker on r/writingprompts for quite a while and forgot where I was when I initially commented this, lol


Mstr-Plo-Koon t1_j2c9wbp wrote

Thank you for the inside photo. I wanted that money shot


kathatter75 t1_j2cd4f9 wrote

Thank you for sharing the recipe you used! It looks so much better than others I’ve seen that just seem to be crazily involved and overly complicated. I can’t wait to try making some!


quietri t1_j2ch6zq wrote

That cross section looks so good. I'm craving the carbs 😁


Intelligent_Bag_370 t1_j2btaiq wrote

Thought it was pallotte cacio e uova for a sec. Looks amazing!


Glintz013 t1_j2cwxqs wrote

There are people out there that never had Arancini. And that hurts me.


Borkso t1_j2dc5m1 wrote

Thanks for the post, bloodfart2112


chriyy t1_j2dd3lo wrote

Mmmmmmmmmm I’m jelly


Packers_Equal_Life t1_j2dd47w wrote

Mom makes these every Christmas. Just had them last week, finished up the leftovers the other day, so good when she gets a good batch


KisuAran t1_j2dh63q wrote

Get some speck in there, and gol darn you got yourself my favourite arancini. My auntie makes veggie ones too, they're amazing.


MastodonSoggy2883 t1_j2dhero wrote

Yes delicious but can not stop at those two, what’s your filling.


GracePalm887 t1_j2e3mgr wrote

Never had that but it looks delicious! 😋


JaWasa t1_j2e66ow wrote

Thank you so much bloodfart! I am totally trying this recipe tonight


YorkyBar t1_j2emsnl wrote

I could just eat those. Looks delicious.


a_guy_on_Reddit_____ t1_j2eso61 wrote

As a Sicilian native,I am thankful. As someone from Palermo though,I am sad you call it arancini.

For context:people from Palermo (capital of Sicily) call it ‘arancina’ and ‘arancine’ while people from Catania (and sadly the world) call it ‘arancino’ and ‘arancini’.This had caused disagreements obviously on which is true.


MarvelsGrantMan136 wrote

2 There are 2 arancinis in the picture 2 There are 2 arancinis in the picture


chucksstuntman t1_j2bcerp wrote

Never heard of it but it looks delicious


Idles t1_j2cw55d wrote

Wow, now I understand why they're called "oranges" (in Italian).


Albablu t1_j2dnym5 wrote

You may not be aware of it, but FYI, half of Sicilians hate you now


Dogghi t1_j2dtivj wrote

Certo che "gourmetizzare" gli arancini non si può vedere...

Però finalmente una foto fatta come dio comanda


MasticaFerro t1_j2e3r1s wrote

Sicilian here. Please don’t eat them with tomato sauce, ketchup, basil or other stuff. Arancini are a street food, you eat them with a paper towel. Strongly suggest to you, for more of a Sicilian experience, to make them with Edamer cheese in the middle of the rice ball.

PS: try some recipe that involves pistachio and pistachio cream


s3nsfan t1_j2bm5ar wrote

Wow I like that. Well done. Too much Hell’s Kitchen lately but a nice smear on that red sauce would glam it up a bit. Seriously though 👌as is.


Uncle_Burney t1_j2b1p9m wrote

You will live in my domicile and bear me many children, who will grow big and strong nourished by these arancini. Hubba hubba


APoetsTouch t1_j2bsvp5 wrote

Lol okay cool joke where’s the rest of the food?


Bobaloo1984 t1_j2alfcd wrote

Wow is that an apple or? Lol
