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mikehatesthis t1_jeff2vn wrote

I wonder if they'll play the short before the movie itself or if it'll be a home media feature later on. Really excited either way. Really excited for Lord and Miller over seeing the Spider-Verse stuff, gonna be the only Marvel adaptations worth a shit going forward.


countgalcula t1_jeg55t6 wrote

Usually when they do it for pixar it's made by a different group of people.

In this case I'm assuming it'll be like the movie but it's a short film. But that probably means it'll be by the same workers. And the movie was already delayed I'm not sure there would have been time to have made it with the movie.

The assumption is whether it was planned jn advanced or not and it's hard to say.


mlorusso4 t1_jegfqzc wrote

Could be just a plot line from the main movie that they mostly finished but decided to cut out. Then they just have to do some touch ups and maybe add in a few more scenes and they’re done