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SisterCharityAlt t1_jefx3s9 wrote

I'm not sold it's that. They're exhibiting many things right wingers espouse minus a outward political bent.

I mean, flip a coin, it could be either but I'm just as inclined given the info to presume they're consuming a fuckton of fox adjacent YouTube who tells them this.


sawamander t1_jeg7sus wrote

I think more conspiracy-minded right-wingers than we would like to believe are experiencing active psychosis of some variety, be it dementia or otherwise. If you read this post closely, a lot of the sentences are very disjointed and points come out of nowhere in a way that acts like they were already introduced and are just facts and that's true for a lot of them.


SendAstronomy t1_jegc0ym wrote

There's a reason why Fox News and conspiracy theories are so popular with the elderly.

It's not the only reason, and there are plenty of young idiots too. But the data skews that way.