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smurficus103 t1_ja90hyr wrote

You just need enough explosives set in a straight line around earth and, dont detonate them all at once, but, detonate them such that the shockwave is additive with every subsequent explosive, you'll crack the earth in two


marcosdumay t1_ja93jat wrote

> you'll crack the earth in two

And watch it almost immediately merge back together.

Or, well, not actually watch it. I guess you will have larger problems to think about.


Thick_Pressure t1_jacjxls wrote

> Or, well, not actually watch it. I guess you will have larger problems to think about.

That would be a terrifying thing to see from orbit. My guess is that it would look pretty cool if you could get over the existential crisis that it probably just caused you.


best_of_badgers t1_ja91js4 wrote

The problem is that with enough energy, you’re eventually dealing with liquid and not solid Earth.