
BigbooTho t1_je6q7o0 wrote

Yeah I’m going to let a hoard of Reddit monsters that probably read 5% of this exchange and thought about less than that play morality judge for me. To make stringy bacon and british bacon, something you pretty much have to buy from a butcher to have both options as a choice in the respective countries of interest, the butcher has to prepare different pieces of meat during the butchering process. They butcher it differently. They’re the butcher. I literally had a whole ass conversation with a local butcher about this as I was trying to acquire British bacon for a lotr full English breakfast party. If you ever needed to wonder why mob mentality is scary look no further than this absurd exchange.


BigbooTho t1_je6osv8 wrote

I sure as shit would say the pizza was prepared differently. Butchery is the processing of a carcass as well as what a butcher does. The butcher cuts up the meat differently to prepare stringy bacon vs back bacon because the butcher is often the one preparing the meat for display and sale. Idk what you want this isn’t some crazy hill to die on. Reddit sees downvotes and goes bananas.


BigbooTho t1_je6o3xl wrote

It’s not for the sake of arguing. You literally made a comment that just haaaad to correct someone that didn’t say something wrong. You could’ve said “yeah! And…” but instead you had to say “so you’ve got it all wrong also…” That does not sit well with me. I get it. You know something from a twenty minute YouTube video you watched sometime. You need to share how smart you are. Fine. I take issue when you have to correct someone needlessly to get there.


BigbooTho t1_je6j59o wrote

So a butcher, doing butchery, stops doing butchery the second the animal has no more useable meat? Interesting interesting. Do they have to hand the meat over to the meat cutter after that so they can do the meat cutting to get the different cuts, I guess? Because a butcher doing butchery definitely wouldn’t be the one to do that. That’s not butchery as we’ve established.


BigbooTho t1_je5944i wrote

So you would say the butcher did something… different…. Between cutting American and British bacon? Yes? So we can say it was butchered differently? So we can all agree you just could not possibly wait to spew your pick me knowledge of the day all over everyone around you while tossing in your ahktually on the person above you? Good, good. I’m glad we all agree.
