
Ishana92 t1_ixm2pue wrote

Its because of complexity. Lets say you freeze a kidney then you thaw it and try to reassimilate it. Cells thst died will severely disrupt its function. In many cases replacing those cells is a slow and gradual process and not something that can be done quickly (whereas in cell culture you usually only have one cell type and they are functionally all the same).

Then you have the tissue and system response. Cells that die during freezing die messy. They burst and that releases toxins into your blood stream. Then immune cells come via blood and start inflammation which further damages the tissue. In the end you have a string of failures.


Ishana92 t1_ixm22tp wrote

If you had time to repair all the damage it would be fine, probably. But those cells that died are releasing all sorts of messages to neighbouring cells. It's not just that they died and now there is a hole to fill, it's that now there is a hole and neighbouring cells are also freaking out and not doing their job. And then if you have living organism the immune response is going to kick in and just go crazy at site that is damaged. You get the whole cascade when cells are all dependent.


Ishana92 t1_ixlj0dr wrote

You will lose some cells after thawing. The bigger the tissue, the larger the damage. And for tissue every bit of damage has an impact.

If you take cell culture, its basically asuspension of independent cells. You can lose 50% of them and the rest will repopulate everything. But if you lose 50% of cells in your tissue that tisdue is no longer functional and wont survive.