
SolasHealth t1_j9nmn2d wrote

It is really a labour of love. Perfect noodles, Silky eggs ,unbelievable pork. And I love it.
A ramen dish that originated in Fukuoka. Tonkotsu in Japanese means "pork bones" ..


SolasHealth t1_j7oa5gn wrote

Smog is composed of various air pollutants, such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and ozone, which can cause inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. It can damage the blood vessels and increase the risk of stroke and heart disease.The particulate matter in smog can also enter the bloodstream. As a result colts are formed. And this clots are the leading causes of heart attacks and stokes.Furthermore, smog can aggravate pre-existing cardiovascular conditions like high blood pressure and atherosclerosis, making people more vulnerable to these diseases.


SolasHealth t1_j7o8yrl wrote

There are five viruses that cause the different forms of viral hepatitis:hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Hepatitis A is primarily a food-borne illness that can be transmitted via contaminated water and unwashed food. Hepatit B is the most easily transmitted, especially in children. It can be transmitted through contaminated blood, needles, syringes, or bodily fluids, as well as from mother to baby. After many years of carrying the virus, it can cause long-term liver damage, liver cancer, and cirrhosis of the liver in some cases. Hepatitis C is only passed from mother to child during childbirth or through infected blood. In the long run, it can also cause liver cancer and cirrhosis.Hepatitis D is only found in people who also have hepatitis B. Hepatitis E is most common in Africa, Asia, and South America. When taken in excess or at very high doses, certain generally safe medications can be toxic to the liver and cause hepatitis (drug-induced hepatitis).


SolasHealth t1_j7jmlej wrote

>Aren't glycerides from sugars?

Triglycerides are fats derived from food that circulate in the blood. The majority of the fat we consume is in the form of triglycerides. Extra calories, alcohol, and sugar in the body are converted into triglycerides, which are then stored in fat cells all over the body. As a result, when you consume a high-sugar diet, your liver produces more bad cholesterol, known as LDL, while decreasing your good cholesterol, HDL. Because there is excess energy in the form of sugar, the liver is forced to convert that sugar into fat, which it does by producing more triglycerides.


SolasHealth t1_j7f7jnb wrote

That's a good question. Your idea is also admirable. However, the fact is not as you assumed. When you consume fat, it is stored in your cells. These cells stores energy in the form of glycerides.. Later, these glycerides degraded and released energy when required. When the number of fat storage cells increases , a person gains weight. This is an ongoing process. Storing fat is not going to happen overnight.