
geoff5093 t1_jdfhzr7 wrote

There is very little inventory right now. It should pick up as the spring comes, but I think a lot of people are holding on to their < 3% mortgages right now until prices or rates come down before they list, so it will probably stay very low inventory.


geoff5093 t1_jada9jx wrote

That is BS. You aren't living there, you are visiting. You don't need to pay any rent. And $100 for a phone bill is excessive. A phone plan can easily cost $30-$50/mo, and if you finance a new phone then you'd have a $30-$40/mo bill on top of that for 2 years only. You should just get your own phone plan and instead visit your parents for a day, don't spend the night.


geoff5093 t1_j9fsh9l wrote

Yes, in a way. I have never paid retail rates for internet in the last 10 years. When my promo period expires, I always call up and ask to be put on the current promotional rate for my internet plan. I look this up ahead of time as a new customer to check offerings. So far I've been able to get the price reduced every time my promo expired. I'm paying $80/mo for their 1200Mbps plan. I'll mention it's too expensive and I'm looking at alternatives, and they then offer me the current promo pricing.