
tyrukuro t1_je7cr9p wrote

Listen buddy, you’re basing every argument you’re having with people on a comment made by someone that didn’t communicate what they were talking about properly. They implied that pigs in North America and in the UK are butchered so differently that the cut isn’t found locally for them, when it maybe just isn’t popular. And you fuckin ran with it. Again, the parts of the animal are butchered the exact same way. What you’re thinking of is processing the butchered parts, I could make ground pork with any part of the pig but I have to get it from the carcass first right?


tyrukuro t1_je5dq75 wrote

Absolutely no one agrees. At no point was this person spewing any thing but helpful information. Someone stated something they had no idea about and this person provided information to not only correct them, but to assist in getting some of the different cut of meat they were misinformed about.

It is butchered identically, just different parts of meat. Wrap your head around that one while you take the rest of the day to figure out why you took this so personally.